Monday 19 June 2017

Lip Sync Exercise Evaluation

  • I had 4 shots: 2 shot, one from one side, one from another side, low angle 2 shot
  • The music managed to sync up normally
  • Shots mainly went on for 2-3 seconds

  • The camera shots were not too good
  • A few shots went on too long

From this exercise I have learnt the process made to film a duet music video, such as the fact that you need to film each shot all the way through and that you need to have multiple shots from different angles.

I have learnt that for editing music videos it has to be fast paced with cuts every 2 to 3 seconds, when I originally did it my shots went on for far longer so I had to re-edit it afterwards. I have also learnt that editing music videos is not done in a linear way but instead by having all the clips lined up on different rows with the song synced up. 

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