Thursday 26 October 2017


Group Roles

Cinematography: Patrick Healey
Mise-en-scene: Patrick Healey
Sound: Patrick Healey
Editing: Patrick Healey
Title:   It's a Job - Wolfie's Just Fine

This will be an entirely narrative based music video. The story is about a man who is dissatisfied with his job and life, he gets progressively bored with it. One day everything goes wrong on his way to work and he finally gives up and decides to go off into the woods. He lives in the woods and becomes better at it over time but he starts to miss his old life and finally gives in and goes back to his job with a new appreciation for that life.
Key Genre Conventions:
  • Entirely narrative based
  • Set in nature
  • Lots of focus on mise-en-scene
  • Links to title of song ‘It’s a Job.’

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