Monday 6 November 2017

Copyright/Gaining Permission

Before making my music video it's important to consider the copyright laws as a majority of music is copyrighted. This meant that when I was looking at potential tracks to use for my music video I had to send e mails to several artists try and gain permission to use the track.

I sent an e-mail to 'Wolfie's Just Fine' enquiring whether I could use their song but unfortunately I did not get a reply from them or any other artist I asked permission from.

Here is one e-mail I sent in an attempt to gain permission:

Since I was not able to get permission I had to instead see how strict YouTube is on re-uploading the song "It's a Job," because for some songs the artist claims copyright but allows the video to stay up and gets the profit from advertisers instead of the money going to the original person who uploaded the video. To see how strict YouTube was on the copyright of this song I uploaded a 'test video' with the song in it to see what action YouTube would take.

Here is the 'test video':

Fortunately there seem to be no consequences and so I am allowed to use the song without a fear of it being taken down by YouTube.

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