Friday 17 November 2017

Production Meeting 1

Before filming the music video I had production meetings and these meetings allowed me to utilised the time to  plan how I will proceed with the making of my music video. In this first meeting I planned the details of each location and what scenes would need to be filmed when, who needed to be involved, what props/costumes were necessary and what equipment we would need for each day I would be filming. 

When looking at potential locations I came up with a few ideas such as Dagenham Central and the Chase Nature Reserve and decided that I would look at the different locations, in person, and decide which would be best for filming on a later dare. I then spent time deciding which school to film at between Robert Clack and Eastbrook, in the end I decided to film at both. This decision allows me get the most amount of footage and some variety for my music video. I also planned some different ideas for my video to fit with the song.

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