Saturday 18 November 2017

Production Meeting 3

In this production meeting I scouted for various locations where I could potentially film. This was done so that I could get a better idea of how the location would look in my film. This would also help save time when I went into the actual filming process. Here are the locations I looked at:

Dagenham Central Park
  • Easiest to get to
  • Not much of variation with the landscape
  • Quite crowded sometimes, could get people in the background much
I won't be filming any scenes here unless I decide to add a quick shot.

Chase Nature Reserve

  • Biggest area, lots of opportunity to go to areas where not much interference will happen
  • Most variety with shots, lots of trees and a lake
  • Not too hard to get to, close to Eastbrook School
I will be filming the majority, if not all, my film in this location.

Beam Valley Country Park

  • Some interesting shots available with this area
  • Quite hard and time consuming to get too
  • Small area, very likely to get lots of people interfering in films.
I may film some of my film at this location if I get enough time to.

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