Tuesday 20 March 2018

Audience Feedback

After completing the music video I exported it and uploaded to YouTube. I then got feedback on the video from the same group that saw my rough cut. This meant that I was able to get direct feedback on how the music video has improved instead of feedback I would get from first time viewers.

The biggest piece of positive feedback I received was about how I included lip syncing performance into the video. The audience believed that this really made the video more fitting as a music video and really tied it together. They said that the lip syncing  looked to be smooth and fitting and there was a good variety of shots used in the performance.

I also got positive feedback on the narrative element of the music video. The general consensus was that the story was very entertaining and fitting of the songs genre. The whole idea of quitting the normal mundane life and going on a spiritual journey seemed to be most appropriate for the folk genre and they appreciated that the narrative linked to the songs title "It's a Job."

Some more positive feedback was given about the editing of the video. The use of black and white to represent boredom and colour to represent a happy fantasy seemed to be a good choice as it became clear what the conflict of the video was. They also liked the blurriness of the 'flashback' sequence as it was easy to understand that it was a flashback by the way it was edited.

Some negative feedback was given in regards to the mise-en-scene of the performance scenes. It was believed that the living room setting looked cheap and didn't fit the rest of the video. Luckily I was able to quickly re-film these scenes in an outdoor area which was agreed to be more appropriate and more aesthetically pleasing for the music video.

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