Thursday 23 November 2017

Shot List

Shot List
Shot Number
  1. ‘At Work’

  1. ‘Quitting the Job’

  1. ‘Starting to live in nature’

  1. ‘Adapting to Nature’

  1. ‘Missing the old life’

  1. ‘Return to Work’
  1. 1-17

  1. 18-38

  1. 38-52

  1. 53-73

  1. 73-80

  1. 80-90
  1. A man is bored of his job, doing the same thing over and over and is given too much work to do. He keeps looking out the window.

  1. On his way to work everything goes wrong, he is late, he drops his briefcase, etc. Then he looks into the woods and drops all his work and walks into the woods.

  1. He starts his life in the woods, learning how to adapt and survive to his new surroundings

  1. He has now become an expert of the nature life.

  1. He starts looking at his old life and realising what he left behind.

  1. He decides to go back to his old life despite its problems. He walks back out of the woods and puts his suit back on. He goes back into his old job and takes one last look out the window before closing the blinds.

Saturday 18 November 2017

Production Meeting 3

In this production meeting I scouted for various locations where I could potentially film. This was done so that I could get a better idea of how the location would look in my film. This would also help save time when I went into the actual filming process. Here are the locations I looked at:

Dagenham Central Park
  • Easiest to get to
  • Not much of variation with the landscape
  • Quite crowded sometimes, could get people in the background much
I won't be filming any scenes here unless I decide to add a quick shot.

Chase Nature Reserve

  • Biggest area, lots of opportunity to go to areas where not much interference will happen
  • Most variety with shots, lots of trees and a lake
  • Not too hard to get to, close to Eastbrook School
I will be filming the majority, if not all, my film in this location.

Beam Valley Country Park

  • Some interesting shots available with this area
  • Quite hard and time consuming to get too
  • Small area, very likely to get lots of people interfering in films.
I may film some of my film at this location if I get enough time to.

Production Meeting 2

For this production meeting  I thought about planning how I was going to proceed with making my music video. In this second meeting I researched other similar music videos to the one I had in mind of making, I did this so I could get inspiration on what I could transfer over to my music video. I had a rough idea about what direction I wanted to go in for my video but  needed a more specific idea about what would be effective and what would work in my music video. After viewing several videos I made a rough plan of shots I was going to film that were inspired by shots I have seen in other videos. 

In this meeting I also organised a plan for my next production meeting to go scout for locations in order to figure out the best locations to film at. I also began thinking of plans on what needed to be done for the magazine advert and the digipak.


A Model of the Media

The model of the media shows the way in which production and consumption of media texts allows for future text to be created, allowing the cycle to continue.

Institutions use this model as a way to work out which kind of media texts would be best for their audience. It tells the institutions what the audience would like and pay to see because there needs to be a financial transaction to sustain the model.

The first stage in the model of the media is the production, distribution, exhibition and marketing of the new media text from the institution. An institution is a large company within the media that produce media texts, some institutions include; the big six, BMG, Sky, the BBC and more.

A media text is the products put out by the institutions such as films, newspapers, video games, radio programmes, tv shows, music videos, websites and more.

Friday 17 November 2017

Production Meeting 1

Before filming the music video I had production meetings and these meetings allowed me to utilised the time to  plan how I will proceed with the making of my music video. In this first meeting I planned the details of each location and what scenes would need to be filmed when, who needed to be involved, what props/costumes were necessary and what equipment we would need for each day I would be filming. 

When looking at potential locations I came up with a few ideas such as Dagenham Central and the Chase Nature Reserve and decided that I would look at the different locations, in person, and decide which would be best for filming on a later dare. I then spent time deciding which school to film at between Robert Clack and Eastbrook, in the end I decided to film at both. This decision allows me get the most amount of footage and some variety for my music video. I also planned some different ideas for my video to fit with the song.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Initial Ideas

I originally came up with some ideas for my video of the song 'It's a Job,' by the band Wolfie's Just Fine. I was inspired by the lyrics of the song and also the genre of the song when thinking the style of video I wanted. I looked at some other videos of the same genre that could inspire my final video.

My first idea for my video to be illustrative of the lyrics much like the video for 'Riptide' by 'Vance Joy'. I was going to illustrate and slightly amplify the lyrics of the song and making the video abstract though I decided against this because I wanted to make a narrative based video, as I felt I could do more with that style of video, and I also did not think I could be as creative with the lyrics of my song as the original video for 'Riptide' was.

When searching for videos for indie songs I saw the video for the song 'Home' by the band 'Edward Sharpe and the Magnificent Zeroes.' I enjoyed this video and feel like I will take some of the video as inspiration for my final video such as some of the shots and also the effect that makes the video feel like a 'home video' as I feel that this style fits the indie music video feel. The only problem is that this video is performance based and I still needed to come up with a story for a narrative based video.

I came up with a story for my narrative video, which is heavily inspired by the story for 'Walk' by the 'Foo Fighters'. The inspiration came from the title of my song 'It's a Job' and the reason it links to the video for 'Walk' is because the story of that video follows a man who is frustrated with his job and life and has a breakdown, in the end he plays with his band and is then caught by the police.

My video will be slightly similar but will take a more serious tone compared to the comedic tone 'Walk' has. Also the story has a man who is frustrated with his job and life, much like in 'Walk', but unlike 'Walk' the man goes to live in the woods and adapt to nature until finally going back to his old life.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Choosing the Track

When planning my song I had a few different genres that I was thinking about doing, I was deciding between doing indie, hard rock or heavy metal. I decided that indie would be best for the narrative style video that I wanted to do.

I first tried to choose the track 'Ain't no rest for the wicked' by the band Cage the Elephant. I thought the song was a good fit and did think of a video for the song but the official music video for the song had around 25 million views and so the video would easily get taken down for copyright.

I then went onto YouTube and saw video that came up as recommended based on the Cage The Elephant video I watched. Eventually I found the song 'It's a Job' by the band 'Wolfie's Just Fine'. I saw that the video had a narrative story similar to the one I wanted to tell. I saw that the video had only 500 thousand views, giving it a much less likely chance of getting taken down, and I also preferred this song to my original choice and this is how I chose the track. 

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Group Members: Patrick, Sam (actor) Location: Chase Nature Reserve, Eastbrook School

Person(s) at Risk
Likelihood of Hazard
1 – Extremely Unlikely
5 – Extremely Likely
Severity of Hazard Outcomes
1 – Very Low Risk
5 – Very High Risk
Risk Level
(Likelihood + Severity)
Measures to Take to Manage Risk
Risk Managed?
Getting robbed
Be cautious, don’t approach strangers, stay in sight of CCTV
Bad Weather Conditions
Person holding equipment
Check the weather forecast, avoid filming in bad conditions, stop filming immediately when weather becomes too bad
People falling over
Be cautious, tread carefully, don’t go anywhere too high where falling over would be severe
Getting lost
Have an app with a map on it on the phone, If necessary ask strangers for directions.
Emergency Service: 999 or 101
Robert Clack School: 020 8270 4222 (Lower School) / 020 8270 4200 (Upper School)
Other Contacts: 020 8270 4567 (Eastbrook School) / 0208 517 5915 (Home)

Monday 13 November 2017

Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule
Cast +Crew

‘At Work’

Eastbrook School

Camera and tripod and dolly
Sam’s Work Outfit
Pencil, Paper, Computer
Patrick (Cameraman, Director, Actor)/ Sam (Actor)
‘At Work’

Eastbrook School

Camera and tripod and dolly
Sam’s Work Outfit
Pencil, Paper, Computer
Patrick (Cameraman, Director, Actor)/ Sam (Actor)
‘Return to Work’
(End of Video)

Eastbrook School

Camera and tripod
Sam’s return to Work Outfit
Pencil, Paper, Computer
Patrick (Cameraman, Director, Actor)/ Sam (Actor)
‘Quitting the Job’
The Chase Nature Reserve
Camera and Tripod and monopod
Sam’s Work Outfit
Patrick (Cameraman, Director, Actor)/ Sam (Actor)
‘Becoming a Man of Nature’
The Chase Nature Reserve
Camera and Tripod and monopod
Sam’s Nature Outfit
Patrick (Cameraman, Director, Actor)/ Sam (Actor)
‘Becoming a Man of Nature’
The Chase Nature Reserve
Camera and Tripod and monopod
Sam’s Nature Outfit
Stick Rock Weapon
Patrick (Cameraman, Director, Actor)/ Sam (Actor)
‘Becoming a Man of Nature’
The Chase Nature Reserve
Camera and Tripod and monopod
Sam’s Nature Outfit
Stick Rock Weapon
Patrick (Cameraman, Director, Actor)/ Sam (Actor)